Tech News 2024/05/29 [JDC2 V0.6.1]

Tech News 2024/05/29 [JDC2 V0.6.1]
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‍Tech News - 2024/05/29

Dear ,

Please find important technical information below.

Many thanks in advance for your kind attention.

JDC2 IP - V0.6.1


Reworked the DigiFX and their manipulation


Therefore some of the DigiFX marked as experimental and can be used only when enabled via the menu or the DMX control channel. 

This is done in order to have a stable and reliable preprogramming.

The “experimental demo DigiFX” are most likely to receive some changes during the next software releases or could be exchanged completely. Whereas the "released" DigiFX may only receive some optimisation in speed, scaling, etc.


Update via Windows PC / ethernet network daisy chain with the GLP Upload App “susgui-0.1.4.exe” and firmware version “JDC-2_0.6.1_sus.bin”.

Please see the update manual in the firmware download package.


This update is show critical and is an important update to secure show stable preprogramming and show stable fixture updates in future.

  • DIGI FX have been changed (removed, adjusted, moved in position, etc.)
  • Tilt speed has been increased
  • ArtNet and sACN are NOT implemented
  • RDM does not work. Eg setting a DMX address with RDM will cause fixtures to reset
  • NDI ports have been limited to 1 and 2 
    • For now we suggest to just use NDI port 1 (GLP-JDC2-1) and 2 (GLP-JDC2-2) for external NDI capture.
    • For higher resolution than 640x480px NDI streams and high-performance sync the GLP FVP protocol is implemented on NDI stream 3 → Do not use this NDI port for normal NDI capture. For more information contact your local GLP product specialist.


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