Firmware Update for JDC1
Main changes from V1.90 to V.191
- Solved:
When mixing former MCU version PCBs with current MCU version PCBs in one single fixture ( e.g. in case of repair) the old version PCB can freeze.
One file has to be uploaded via DMX/RS485:
JDC-1 Main DMX V191_F1_70_20_F4_71_22.bin (via D2PROG or D3PROG)
When importing the bin file to a DProg make sure that you choose the file type BIN before uploading the file to the programmer.
Fixtures can be updated daisy chain via DMX. Please make sure that no other DMX receivers or consoles are active on the line
Please take care with the new RDM commands. Factory Defaults will set back DMX start address and DMX Mode back to defaults!
If the fixture is on version 1.78, still, please update the Bootloader first as described below.
GLP JDC1 Firmware V1-91 Rev20220406-1(zip | 564.46 KB)