GLP Tech News 2024/01/10 UPDATE [impression X5 IP Bar 1000]

GLP Tech News 2024/01/10 UPDATE [impression X5 IP Bar 1000]
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‍Tech News - 2024/01/10 UPDATE

Dear ,


This is an update of the technical newsletter we published earlier today.

In the changelog an important additional information was missing:
Not only the tilt speed is updated, but also the zoom speed is affected by the update.

The software file remains unchanged (version 1.1.6).


Thank you in advance for your attention.

GLP impression X5 IP Bar 1000

Main changes from V1.1.5 to V1.1.6




  • Because tilt speed and tilt acceleration were increased too much with the update before we have to reduce tilt speed and acceleration with this update.
  • Reduced zoom acceleration and speed to prevent zoom loosing steps


Fixtures need 1 update, if V1.0.1 or higher is installed already.


Via D3Prog (RS485/DMX):

1. Update the Main Application V 1.1.6 via DMX/RS485 via D3Prog (impression-X5_1.1.6_DMX.bin)


Optional via iQ.Service App (no Login needed) :

Change the Control Protocol in the Fixtures Protocol Setup Menu to iQ.Mesh,

or via DMX Control Channel to iQ.Service Connect: DMX 012-013 (4,7% - 5,1%)


1. Update the Main Application V 1.1.6


Please make sure that no other DMX receivers or consoles are active on the line

and fixtures Control Protocol is set to DMX!


This update is show critical as the tilt speed is changed to work with the added filter holders and optional filters.

This update is an important update that should be installed to prevent device errors


impression-X5_1.1.6_DMX.bin (provided via website as download and iQ.Service App)


This Newsletter was sent on 18. Feb 2025 ‍by ‍GLP German Light Products GmbH, All rights reserved. You are receiving this newsletter because you have either ordered it on the website or have a business relationship with GLP (or both).