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Amptown Stack Case for up to 2x impression S350, impression S350 Wash, impression E350 or GT-1 FL

4 RGBW LEDs, each with 15 W, easy changeable optical system, fast and precise Pan-Tilt-Movement

Compact Moving Head, powerful 60 W RGBW LED, wide color spectrum, fits any ERCO and its any ERCO and compatible 3-phase tracks

Brackets for impression X4 Bar Series

DoccLight Frame for impression X4 Bar 10 / 20

Stack Case for up to 4x impression X4 L

Stack Case for up to 2x impression FR10 Bar

Der GLP impression Laser ist ein Pure Diode Laserprojektor in RGB und begeistert alle, die mit der Zeit gehen; jene, die immer einen Schritt voraus...

Stack Case for up to 6x impression X4

Stack Case for up to 4x impression X4